Monday, November 3, 2008

What is wrong with this world?

Apparently my posts have taken a dark turn and I wasn't going to blog about this but decided to anyway. I have a friend from yoga class who is just a wonderful person. Until a few years ago she and her husband were living the American dream. Gorgeous home in the best school district in KY, two beautiful kids, she was a SAHM because his income as a pilot allowed her to do so. He had back issues and was prescribed painkillers. He became addicted to them and the spiral downward went fast. He started taking more than just the painkillers, they split up over the issue and last week his children found him deceased on the couch. He was not a overweight, never-exercise, Big Mac person. He was incredibly athletic as was the whole family. Until he was given this prescription he had not been an addict. This is such a common occurrence that you would think the doctors would have started using something else or perhaps monitoring the patients. From what I have read these painkillers (I don't want to mention the name because I don't want a lawsuit) are more addictive than heroin and coincidentally many, many heroin users got started on pain pills and graduated to heroin because it is cheaper (check there was a whole family that was in this situation).

There has to be some accountability on the part of the medical community. I love my doctors but seriously put the prescription pads down!!! I watched a woman who is not yet 40 years old bury her husband (41 years old) while she sat there with their two children. The oldest is 11 and the youngest is 9 I believe. This is NOT RIGHT. If this medication is so addictive why is it being handed out like Pez with little or no follow-up? Honestly if I were my friend I would have a herd of attorneys on retainer right now. Today I listened to a parade of friends and family talk about this man, I watched his brother and parents sob, his high school friends talk of their loss and ultimately Taps was played his 21 gun salute was given and then everyone went on with their life.

Nobody should have to pay this kind of price because they had back surgery. Seriously.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Thanks for calling and letting me know. Sorry I couldn't grab the phone at the time--Jericho and I were predisposed!

Loss of life is a true tragedy at any age, when it is unexpected. I ache for her and her family, and pray that they will be blessed with the Spirit to help their burden seem light as they cope with all the emotions and hardships that come with his passing away.