Monday, September 21, 2009

Blogging failure

I cannot believe that it has been so long since I wrote something.
The summer was fun but really chaotic. We had a great time in Mexico and basically want to build a hut on the beach to live in. At the end of the summer we took the oldest three kids to Great Wolf Lodge. It was really fun and no one had to wonder where Noah had wandered off to every 30 seconds.

School has begun and things are crazy as usual. Reece and Connor have great teachers and seem to be doing well. Parker has a wonderful teacher but is off to a very rocky start. Parker was in ECE (special education) for all of kindergarten and 2 months of 1st grade. He stayed at Zachary Taylor (not our home school) for the rest of first grade even after he went mainstream fulltime. He had an amazing teacher who was great with him. This is the first year that he has gone to school with his brothers, ridden the regular bus, not had a male teacher, and first time at his home school. Tons of changes.
It has been rough to put it mildly. He has not really felt completely at ease at Chancey. Even with his brothers there he is just not familiar with anyone or anything and it has really undone a lot of progress. He has had constant meltdowns/tantrums and already he has two referrals. He got a new doctor because the old one was awful (why would someone who obviously does not like kids become a child psychologist?) but the new one was even worse. He now has a new, NEW psychiatrist. He is actually my shrink. Yes people as startling as it may be.....I see a psychiatrist and he is the bomb. *Tangent* When I first went to him I noticed that he had a University of Oklahoma degree so I asked him about it...long story short...he grew up less than 1/2 mile from me and his mother still lived 1/2 mile from my parents AND he, my mother, myself and two aunts all graduated from the same high school. WIERD!!! He keeps trying to convince me to go to law school.
Sorry. So my psychiatrist thinks that he is very close to being ADHD but he doesn't quite fit the criteria. Wow how surprising since he doesn't fit any label most people have tried to slap on him. He is not autistic, ADD, Aspergers, but he might be a little ADHD. Why is it so important for adults to label kids? He has been evaluated more times than I can count and not once has he ever had a definitive label. It was always "maybe this but maybe not.
So we are trying to find a happy medium in a lot of different categories right now with Parker.

Noah is in a class of only four kids. We love his teachers and the school. They formed this class for non-verbal kids and they have some very cool technology and almost a 1/1 student teacher ratio. We are thrilled. Noah is doing better but not great. We no longer go to church as a family any longer because he became impossible to manage. After one really bad Sunday that ended with me sobbing in the RS room we decided that one of us will take the older three on a rotating basis. It sucks but it is either that or we just stop going altogether.

Now that Noah is in school I have about 7 hours with no kids. I thought I would have tons of time to get things done but the day is over so fast that I never get everything done. It is really nice to have some quiet though.

I am SO tired as it has been a very long and stressful day. I am going to time travel back to the 1950's and read Trixie Belden.