Monday, November 17, 2008

Another whiny post.

I think I am using Blogspot as a dumping ground so I don't take the negativity out on the family. I would love to post how perfect my family is and how wonderful life is daily but that is not reality and I usually don't read blogs that are like that. I call them "Shiny Happy People".

So here is my latest whine. After being in my ward for eight years I still feel like a stranger. I have friends that I say hello to in the hall and we sometimes go to parties at peoples houses but for the most part I could sit in the corner and no one would notice. In case you think it is in my head....this past summer we were at a pool party and I said hello to a lot of people, did my best to strike up conversation, etc. I got the rhetorical questions and answers from people. After doing my round I decided to see how long it would take for someone to say anything as all to me. I sat in the middle of everything and at the end of 45 minutes I gave up. Not one person so much as said hi. Also being that I have been in the ward for eight years you would think that I would have been invited to be in a playgroup or a babysitting swap but nope. I even tried three different times to start one but failed every time I tried. For one reason or another people backed out, decided against it, too busy, whatever.
Also reading other people's blogs and seeing pics of baby showers, playgroups, etc and most of the people in the pictures are those who are my age and not being invited to any of them really hurts my feelings.
After reading blogs about these types of groups I have to wonder what I have done or not done to be so isolated. It is sad to be in a room full of people and feel totally alone. I know the phone runs both directions but this is not a new thing. After several years of trying I have given up. Watching new people move in and getting absorbed into one group or another is depressing. I guess this is why the thought of moving to Dallas is not all that earth-shattering for me.
I have wonderful friends in my neighborhood who would be at my house in a millisecond but it would be nice to not feel like this at my own church.

Oh well. Someday I guess I will split into a new ward or just outright move.

So this morning Parker did not want to get out of his warm bed. He walked into the hall and pretended to fall over the shoes (that are in front of the shoe cubby rather than in it) and said "Help! I am being attacked by shoes!". It was funny and gave me a good laugh on a cold Monday morning. He starts in his new class tomorrow morning and we are all excited for him. I love his new teacher and he will be in the top reading group as well. Yea!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Don't let it get to you...cliques cliques, high school, blah, blah, blah. Its the same thing (for most), we're just older. Some of us aren't stuck in our past high-schooly lives...and some are. Once you find the right group of people for you, it will all slide in to place. Maybe there is a reason for it all, ya know? Maybe you were meant to fit in with a different bunch of people...and that will come.

*big hugs....looong, almost uncomfortable hugs* Oh, sorry...I uh...sorry.