Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Parker's first day.

Parker started in his new class today and had a GREAT day! He is in a new first grade class but he is in there all day. They came to get him to go back to his old class and his new teacher, Mr. Elder, said that he was doing great and to just let him stay there. When I came up for his cupcake party---just to make the transition easier for him and the other students--he was having a wonderful time. The other kids all made cards for him. It was so sweet. I just love his new teacher. He gets the kids so excited about learning and makes sure that Parker feels included. He gets rave reviews from every other teacher and parent. I wish there were more male teachers. They seem to reach the boys a little better. I am just so grateful that Parker was able to get him this year. I think he will be key in this transition for Parker. Parker is already in the highest reading group. We are working on comprehension though. This is also the last year that he will be at Zachary Taylor. Because our home school is Chancey and Parker is too smart for ECE classes he has to go to school with his brothers next year. I have to give huge kudos to ZT for really working with us and Parker and also having such a wonderful caring staff. The school may look a little rough around the edges but it is a wonderful nurturing place.

Well I just realized how rambling and random this post is so I am going to get kids into bed so I can go there myself.


Noelle said...

Congratulations to Parker. Sounds like he's doing really well in school.

Natalie said...

Yay! Big hugs for Parker!

PS - The captcha down here is "outgod"...I don't know what I'm getting at here but I thought it was amusing.

Allison said...

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