Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving revised.....

My sister has guessed correctly. We are in fact using this as an opportunity to start a new tradition. Since (as stated in the previous post) we are not going home and not having anyone over for the first time, we have decided that this is the "anything goes" Thanksgiving. Each person gets to choose one food for Thanksgiving. So far we are having: cheese pizza, donuts (dessert), turkey breast, green bean casserole, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese. We are still finalizing the menu tonight.
I am sure that the pilgrims made a stop at Domino's and Krispy Kreme after the Indian photo op.


Holly said...

MMMMMM...Krispie Kreme Donuts---can I come?

Me said...

Oh yea. I will buy ANYTHING if you come over. Gosh I miss you guys!!!

Natalie said...

I'm just waiting on one of them to say "crown of lamb with a nice apricot chutney..." But I'm guessing that won't happen...

Anonymous said...

ok, that? is awesomeness *casually does hand motion*

I would have voted for cheese pizza too! Was that my soulmate who voted for that? *holds up pinky*