Saturday, March 21, 2009


In looking over my last post I realize that I am still using blogger as a dumping ground. I am not an unhappy person by nature but I think it is better to dump negative stuff on a blog than on other people.
I am not constantly angry with God. I guess that was not too clear. It would take too much energy (as stated by Holly) to be that angry all the time. It is so frustrating though to not be able to do the average, normal, everyday stuff that people take for granted. It took so long to get Parker to the point where he can do pretty much anything that his brothers can but Noah is the wild card.

Anyway I wanted to post about my wonderful friends. Some are here in Louisville while others are across the country. It took me until I was in my 20's to really find friends that I know I will have for life. The kind of friends that I can call at 2am and they will be there for me. First I have to say how great it was to see Holly last weekend and how much we miss their family. They were kind enough to let us share many, many holidays with them as neither of us had family in the area. It is still odd to have them gone. I cried like a baby the day before they took awhile for it to hit me that they were really leaving. I was at her house joking and laughing and then while driving home the floodgates opened (not a good thing on the highway). Holly is an amazing person who just radiates light. She will do anything to help anyone.

Rebecca is one of the few people who is LDS that I never have to edit things for content. What you see is what you get with Rebecca and I love her like a sister. She was at the hospital before my husband when I had my first child and stayed all day. We had wonderful times together when we were newlyweds in DC with no kids. We don't see each other as much as I would like but when we do it is as if we never left. She has amazing strength and resilience. She makes me want to be a better person.

Nikki. What can I say about my favorite Brit that I haven't already said? She is so giving, caring, and loving. She adopts any child who comes in her house. She lays awake at night worrying about others because she has such a big heart. I absolutely love her and wonder what I ever did before she moved in. She can get me out of a bad mood better than anyone by just making me laugh and I love our Barnes and Noble nights where we just sit and talk for hours. I hope she doesn't move because if she does we are going with her (she says the same about us). We joke about buying land and building two houses connected by a big garage. That would be great. Why not? Her kids already call me "second mommy" and my kids think she should just move in.

There are so many others not named above such as Larissa (been there for 5+ years), Suzanne who has held my hand through many things, my mom, my sisters, and people from church and friends from Oklahoma all who have helped me and been there through so much. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
I am grateful for each one of them.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Good friends are a great blessing. I'm glad you have them. I know what you mean about Holly. She is a hard friend to replace.