Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My first tag.

I don't really get the whole tag thing. How am I to know I have been tagged?

The Rules:

Link the Person who Tagged you.

Mention rules on your blog.

Tell about 6 quirks of yours.

Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

Leave a comment to let them know.

1. I am more into college football than my husband. Yes other guys it is true. I am, in fact, the coolest wife ever. On Saturdays you will find me glued to college footballs games, scores, replays, etc. My dad and I call each other no less than a half dozen times and will sit on the phone to watch the end of an exciting game (Oklahoma State vs Missouri for example). BTW I will root for OU over BYU anytime. Sorry fellow church people but I have been on campus exactly once and if 12 million prayers LDS members can't help them win a national title in over 20 years I don't think much else can.

2. For some odd reason the term "crackhead" is a term of endearment in our house. I am not sure how it was started.

3. I have some serious OCD issues with loose hair. If I see it on the counter, shower floor, clothing, etc I will basically stop whatever I am doing to get rid of it.

4. I am the opposite of a morning person. I would like it so much more if it were later in the day. I have two children who are full-on morning people. Must be a gene defect. I think the youngest is evolving into one as well. Just to clarify though I do get up and get four kids dressed, fed and out the door on time.

5. If I could drink coffee I don't think I would ever stop. I drank coffee for many years before I came back to church and I still love the smell. If they ever ask me to revise the Word of Wisdom that is the first thing gone.

6. I sleep with my kids on a fairly regular basis. Several reasons for this. I am a night owl and I don't want to wake Scott so I crawl into bed with one of the boys. Also the oldest is 10 and still wants to "snuggle". Seriously how many more years will that last? Also I sometimes get the "what if" mother fears and have to reassure myself that all is well so I snuggle with them and just fall asleep. Don't tease the boys. They will never forgive me.

I thee tag: Emily R, Allison R, Holly C, and anyone who took the time to read this.


Holly said...

did I ever mention that I don't do tags. . . Ok, so maybe I will do it, but, it could take me weeks to come up with quirky facts about myself. Are you sure you are that patient?

Me said...

Holly for you I would wait forever. Gosh I miss you guys.